Monday, October 29, 2012


I am not going to share a story or about my life today.  I am just going to ask for everyone to join in prayers for the people in the path of Sandy.  May the Lord bless them and keep them.  May the Lord give them peace and protection.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Pumpkin Goo!

What a wonderful Friday night we had.  It started with the girls blowing bubbles in the sink while I fixed dinner.  We had my favorite, breakfast for dinner!  French toast and bacon hit the spot at the end of this busy week!  After cleaning up dinner, we started pumpkin carving!  The pumpkin Emily picked was not ripe and I have never had such a hard time cutting through a pumpkin.  Since it was so hard to cut through Emily decided to use the drill and make polka dots all over it.  We started out in the house but after a few holes and pumpkin goo shooting all over the dining room...we took it outside.  Erin had fun running the pumpkin goo through her hands!

After picking pumpkin goo from my hair, we got the pumpkin seeds ready for roasting. I love to eat them and can't imagine throwing the seeds away.  I know so many people that do.  If you are unsure how to roast them, it is so easy!  Here is what I do:

Roasted pumpkin seeds
Wash the seeds in cold water and drain well.  Mix 2 tbsp. vegetable oil and 1 tsp. salt in the bowl with about 3 cups of the pumpkin seeds.  Line a cookies sheet with foil and dump the seeds on the cookie sheet.  Spread them out and put them in a 300 degree oven.  It takes about an hour to get them a nice golden brown.  Be sure to stir them often during that time to ensure that they all brown evenly.  When they are cool they will keep nicely in an air tight container for a week.  Honestly...we have never had them in our house that long but I am sure they would still be good! Enjoy.

I hope you will roast your pumpkin seeds this year and maybe try using a drill on that pumpkin.  It was great fun to watch pumpkin goo fly all over the place! 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

the dreaded checkup

I made an appointment for a general check up...physical...umm I am not even sure what you call it or what will be checked.   I had a hysterectomy like 5 years ago and haven't been back for a thorough check up since.  I have been in for kidney stones but other than that I kind of avoid the doctor. I feel like a car being put on the lift and not knowing if there is a problem.  They always seem to find something that needs fixing and I just don't want that to happen to me.  I don't know if anyone else can relate to this but I don't know if I could handle something else happening at this point so I avoid it.  Probably not the best example or even the best thing to do for myself.  So, in a few days I head to the doctor and I am praying for a clean bill of health!

In the back of my mind I worry though because, my mom had a heart attack almost 2 years ago and she was only 62 at the time.  She didn't have a blocked artery or valve problem but her heart was failing.  She ended up needing a pace maker and defibrilator to keep her heart going.  It has been a tough road for her and she is now having problems with some of her other organ systems but she is thankful for each day.  That is one reason that I have decided that I better have a check up.  I have never had a mammogram and I think that by 42 I should have had one already, but there again I am not really sure. 

My dad had a heart attack less than a year ago and it was discovered that he had two blocked arteries.  He has also had skin cancer issues for years and copd.  It has been hard watching my parents age and by not going to the doctor it enables me to avoid my own aging.

I am not sure what questions to ask or if I even scheduled the appointment right.  I hope that I said the right things so that insurance is billed correctly. I know with kids you're supposed to schedule it as a well child visit for some insurance plans.  Oh well, no matter what I am going to have a checkup and make sure that everything is good.  If you haven't been taking care of yourself or putting yourself low on the list of priorities it is time to make a!  We are valuable to our families so we should treat ourselves that way!

Monday, October 22, 2012

We are not in Kansas anymore!

It was a nice trip to Kansas to see my dad and step mom but oh the weekend went by so fast! I am getting more comfortable with driving to my dad's house since Daryl stays home with the dogs and his mom.  I used to get really nervous but not so much anymore.  We left before 8 a.m. on Friday, which is a great time for 5 females...I would say!  We stopped at one rest area, had lunch in Hays, KS...our usual stop for Subway and topped off the fuel and then on to Andover.  I think we had to make one more stop before our arrival but we did really good on time. 

We met my dad and step mom, Judy at Spangle's for dinner.  The girls love that place!  The fun 50's decor, loud music and the life size statue of Elvis make for a good time.  It was burgers, fries and slushies for everyone!  The girls sat in one booth and I sat with my dad and Judy in a booth next to them.  A police officer came in for dinner and was watching my girls.  They have so much fun together and get silly and giggly.  He stopped me on my way out and told me that I really had my hands full with those 4 girls.  I just had to giggle....yes I do, but I love every minute of it!

We headed back to the hotel for an evening of swimming.  I just watched and took plenty of pictures and videos.  My head was hurting and my ears had a full plugged kind of feeling.  I was just ready for bed. We had a 2 queen bed suite, so the little girls got the fold out sofa, Kels and Kaitlin shared a bed and I got my own queen bed...all to myself!  I sprawled diagonally across the bed the entire night and used all 4 pillows!  It was pure joy! :)  On Saturday morning we headed to the nearest Super Cuts for hair cuts!  Everyone got hair cuts or all trimmed up.  We met up with my dad and Judy and headed out for a little shopping and lunch.  After that we went back to their house for the afternoon.  It was such a beautiful day!  The colors of fall were all around but it was a warm day.  We ended the day with Chinese food, Chinese donuts, good fortunes and more swimming. 

Our trip came to end Sunday mid morning as my dad and Judy headed for church and we hit the road for home.  We usually go to church with them but Daryl was at home working on the bathroom so I wanted to get back in case he needed my help before Monday morning.  I was glad to get home and got busy cleaning the layer of construction dust that was covering the house! :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

At home to school

The girls have completed about 50 days of school so far.  So, I take time to sit back and evaluate how things are going; I am yet again realizing that I am the one that needs to do some work.  I get behind on checking assignments, posting grades and following up on things.  I now feel like I have the okay to start beating myself up but why should I feel I have the right to do that?  Is it because I am comparing myself to another mom or some idea of what I think the homeschool mom should look like.  Teaching three different levels, running the house and taking care of little ones is a lot to tackle each day.

This is our sixth year homeschooling and I still feel like I am learning so much.  I don't know that I will ever feel like I have this mastered.  I think when I feel that way it will be time to do something else.  Everyday, week, month and year has been different.  We do have a routine that we follow each day but it is very relaxed and go with the flow.  It has not always been that way though.

I remember the first year, how excited we all were.  I got the curriculum delivered and sat down over several nights and had the entire school year planned and written in the planner.  Well that plan lasted all of about 6 weeks.  I ended up having surgery (hysterectomy) and just did not feel like doing any school work for awhile so the eraser had to work overtime in the planner.  We have had sick parents to care for and ultimately lay to rest.  An unexpected death of a nephew that is the same age as my oldest daughter. We have dealt with daddy losing his job and deciding to go back to school himself. I have had kidney stones and both of my parents have had heart attacks. This has all happened in those first 5 years.   All of these things happen in others lives also, but as a homeschooling family I am thankful and blessed to have the time to spend with getting through each thing together as slowly as needed.

I have learned to plan one week at a time because we just never know what lies ahead.  Are my girls learning all that they need to know?  I believe so.  We have math drills, phonics lessons, science experiments and standardized testing too. But, they are learning that family is important, taking care of others is vital and being thankful for all that we do have and can accomplish in a day should not be taken for granted.  I love homeschooling and I am so thankful to have this opportunity with my family! I am not saying that families in the public schools don't do these same things but for me it has just been such a great experience!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Road trip!

We are getting ready to hit the road!!! Friday can not get here soon enough for the girls. This excitement is brewing because we are making our October trip to see Grandma and Grandpa. The girls are already planning their outfits and what they will do during the drive.  We always stop at Michael's to get a project or craft supplies so that the girls have plenty to do while we are at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  We found a 40% off coupon which is even better! Part of our afternoon was spent looking through the ad.  We don't have a Michael's close to us so this is an awesome stop to make each trip.  

We are even more excited because Kelsey gets to come home and make this trip with us.  It is a girls weekend because Daryl will stay home and take care of the house and dogs.  He is a good man and I so appreciate that he helps to make my trips to see my dad happen.  It is so important for me to go see my dad when I can and I am just so thankful to be getting ready to make this trip!

We will also be making a stop at a beauty shop so the girls can get haircuts.  Both Kelsey and Kaitlin have hair that is half way down their backs so it will be interesting to see what they decide to do with their hair.  I just hope there are no tears by the choices that are made.  I will post some before and after pictures.  

I am sure we will be swimming in the hotel pool and making a trip over to Dillon's.  We just love walking through that huge "grocery" store, getting fruit leathers and maybe even a new bottle of nail polish.  I know...we have super exciting plans and you are sooo jealous!  It's okay and I can not wait!

Look out Kansas the Eggers girls are heading your way!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Leaves of thankfulness

The leaves are brightly colored and falling to the ground.  I love this time of year.  I think I have said that before.  I wanted to decorate in some way with fall leaves so here is what I have come up with.
This year we are covering the windows in our dining room with construction paper leaves.  The leaves have carefully written on each of them something that the kids are thankful for.  Last year we made a chain out of Christmas scrapbook paper with something they were thankful for on each link.  The chain was started shortly before Thanksgiving and was added on to until Christmas.  It was fun to watch the chain get longer with things that the kids are thankful for.   I am not big on decorating for Halloween so the fall leaves on the window is perfect!

I cut out some leaf patterns and gathered a variety of colors of construction paper.  I put those items along with scissors, pencils, markers, and a roll of scotch tape in a basket.  The kids can add leaves to the windows any time they would like.  It is fun to give them an idea and let them take off with it.

20121016_105529.jpgWhat are you thankful for?  I am thankful for my family and the time that I have with each of them.  I am thankful for my husband and the love and laughter we share.  I am thankful for my home and it's warmth and comfort.  I am thankful for the provision that my God has provided.  He knows the needs and has provided for us each and every day!  I am thankful for this and so much more.  It is only October but I just can't wait until Thanksgiving to be thankful!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Spider

I had to be brave tonight with one of my girls and as I am terrified on the inside my little girl watches to see what I do.  It may be silly but all of this was over a "huge" spider that was in her bed.  She came running out, her heart was pounding and she was ready to cry.  The spider ran across the bed and hid somewhere in the covers.  I armed myself with a big flip flop and headed in.

I slowly peeled back each layer of bedding, hoping that it wouldn't come running up onto my hand.  It was not under the covers so I slowly picked up each pillow.  Five, six, seven...oh my goodness how many pillows are on this bed?  No wonder the spider likes it here!  Finally all of the pillows were off of the bed and still no spider.  Now I have pick up one by one the dozen or so bookmobile books that are covering the bed.  Still no spider...what!!! My poor little girl with tears welling up in her announces that she will not be able to sleep in her bed until that spider is found.  All that is left on the bed are a few tissues.  Really,  I have to pick them up? This is now the only place it can be and if it is not here I will be relieved but my poor little girl will not be, and sleeping in that bed will not be happening. I so don't want to see that spider but I also want to see it so I can just get this over with...ugh!  I lift the first spider.  The second one...still nothing!  This does not look good!  I pick up the third one and...ahhhh there it is!!!! I whacked it over and over until I was sure it wouldn't run away and hide.  Oh sweet relief, I held myself together, found the spider and took care of it. 

I know for some of you that sounds so silly but spiders are just so horrid to me.  I try really hard to maintain myself around them though because I saw the greatest fear I have ever seen over a little spider.  This time...I am sorry little spider but I won!!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Time Management in the Homeschool

I have heard it said and have even said of other women that they are gifted in time management.  But is it really a gift? Isn't it really a skill that can be worked on and developed over time.  Some do acquire the skill quicker but no matter how fast it is mastered, it is one of the skills that every woman works on and is also a very helpful skill. 

Time management is so much more that just accomplishing a to do list or having the appearance of being busy all of the time.  Time management is finding God and putting everything else in line after Him, choosing the direction you are headed and moving forward toward it.  There isn't a formula because for each family the direction and the steps to get there are different.  For example, some children thrive getting up early and getting their work done, others need that sleep and will function much better starting later in the morning.  Having a schedule is not good or bad in itself, but what works for your family is truly what matters.  If having a schedule becomes the focus and you lose the ability to be flexible and available for what God would call you to do, then maybe there is to much schedule.  If however you never get anything done, maybe some scheduling could be beneficial. 

Some things to ask as you think about your time management are:

1.  How do you fit chores into your day?  Not only chores for the kids but also mom's chores.  Does mom try to do everything while everyone is waiting on her to get things done?  Does the house always have to be perfect or is it allowed to feel lived in?  When do the children start participating in the upkeep and operations of the household?  They may not do things perfectly but their contribution will be a blessing to you and they will learn so much in the process.

2.  How do you get things done with interruptions like the phone, discipline, the baby, oh it's time to fix lunch...already?  I answer the phone if I have time, otherwise it goes to voice mail and I promise I will call you back.  Don't take it personally but sometimes I must stay on task, since I am trying to teach my children that very thing, I need to be a good example.

3.  Do you use a schedule, to do list, general routine, lesson plans or something else? Everyone has their opinion of what is best but try them out and you decide what works best for you.

4.  How do you get it all done and still keep your sanity? that possible? It is not always easy but it is possible! The things you don't get done today will keep until tomorrow...I promise, the laundry will still be there!

5.  How do you have time to do anything else besides school work? Make the time so you can be the woman God wants you to be.  Invest in someone else other than your children and God will bless that relationship.

I would encourage you to get up and get dressed each morning because it will help you feel like there is something to accomplish within that day.  You are ready to participate in the day!  Remember to's okay!

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Beth Moore

I attended a Beth Moore simulcast in September at a local church and as always Beth brought a good word that touched my soul.  I tried once again to take notes but I get so caught up in watching her and listening to her that I forget to write.  I will share some of my notes, although they were very brief, but first I must share about my love for this wonderful woman.  

The first experience I had with Beth was a study about the Psalms of ascent, probably about 6 years ago.  As the study was coming to the end I felt sad that I was no longer going to have this connection with Beth, my new found friend.  My heart was heavy as I searched for her online...I needed to connect with her.  And then there it was in big bold letters  "Would you like to have Beth Moore in your church?"  Are you kidding me?  Of course, I want Beth Moore in my church...sign me up!  I started investigating and they were going to have a simulcast available for churches to purchase participation in.  I ran to my pastor's office for approval to have Beth Moore "come" to our church.  The church has since participated in five Beth Moore simulcasts and I am blessed every time.  We are in the Northeast corner of Colorado, a bunch of small towns, so attending a large ladies event is usually several hours away.  That does not always work for us mom's that have little ones at home or if the budget is tight, so I was super excited to participate in these simulcasts.  We even got the Lifeway Christian Bookstore from Centennial, CO to come and set up a store in the foyer. 

Getting ready to worship with Travis at the 2009
Lfeway Christian Bookstore is open for business             
 I know that I have never personally met or spoken with Beth Moore but during the planning of the simulcast she would host webcasts for the coordinators, and during these webcasts she would do a brief study, share about the simulcast and pray.  It was like I was sitting at my dining room table with her.  As I sat this year at the simulcast as just a spectator...I realized how much I missed being a part of the craziness of planning the simulcast and sitting at my dining room table with Beth. 

Beth started the day with Psalm 68:11 "The Lord gave the word; Great was the company of those who proclaimed it."

She continued with the main scripture coming from 2 Kings 4:1-37.  She compared the two women in this selection as being one woman in need and the other who appeared to have everything but had a deep need.  She gave 7 points but of course I only 6 of them.  So if you read this and have the one I am missing, please share!

1.  Personal desperation can jar us out of second hand stories.
2.  God didn't call us to live "fine", he called us to faith!
3.  Fear is the crippler of a walking, talking miracle.
4.  Faith trusts that every call to forsake is a call to also take. We forsake sin and take forgiveness.
5.  Faith faces the fact that there is no formula.
6.  Faith rests it case on the resurrection of the dead. Jesus is Alive!
7. ???

I have other scriptures and notes splattered throughout my pages of notes but those were the main bullets.  The main thing that got me was #5. Faith faces the fact that there is no formula.  I can not read the right number of pages from the Bible, pray the right prayer and behave in the right way for God to work.  He is in control and He will work regardless or even in spite of me.  If I think I can figure out how to do things to control Him, I am mistaken. Wow...reality check!  Give the control back to God and follow His lead.

This is what I posted on facebook right after the simulcast. "We are not called to be "fine", we are called to faith! A faith that will stir the core of our being and cause us to not allow fear to cripple us but to take courage! Beth Moore always has a good word from the Lord to share! Now what will we do with that word on Monday?"

 Beth Moore has a blog at if you would like to meet her or follow her.  I am happy to have Beth back in my life and look forward to all that the Lord has to share through her.  God is working on me and I am thankful that I am the project right now.

Monday, October 8, 2012


 Monday is definitely an adjustment, the alarm goes off an hour earlier and of course I did not go to bed an hour earlier so it starts and I am already tired!  I stumble to the shower, enjoy the warm water a tad to long and then I emerge into the cold room realizing that I don't have a towel...this is not starting out as I had planned.  I am finally dressed and almost ready for the day, the coffee is not brewing fast enough and I decide to sit down and restart my day with the Lord.  It's not to late for this to be a great day! I choose how I react and respond to what is happening in my life and a lot of what is going on is all happening because of choices that I have staying up to late or eating those cupcakes each night until my jeans won't stretch any further. the coffee done yet? 

outdoor wicker shower and towel rackWhat does Monday mean?  The beginning of the work week, the end of rest or maybe the start of another chance to do something, big or small...but something nevertheless.  Will that something be my plans or the Lord's plans...another choice.

M-May You, Lord
O-of my salvation
N-never be disappointed in my
D-daily pursuit of being consumed
A-and molded not by the world but by
Y-Your wisdom and truth.

The day had its ups and downs, just as everyday will have, but the time I spend with My Lord will forever change how I approach, use, and appreciate each day...even MONDAYS!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Stand Firm

I was looking back over my journal and found a section titled in bold underlined words Stand Firm.  I read all of the scriptures noted and my comments and was reminded to plant my feet firmly and be prepared for whatever may come.  Those notes were written 3 years ago just prior to my father in law (Papa) getting sick.  When he finally agreed to go to the doctor he was admitted to the hospital in mid October with pneumonia. With further testing and x-rays it was revealed that he had stage 4 lung cancer that was spreading rapidly.  He chose to go to the nursing home with no treatments.  We visited daily and watched this strong caring man become weaker and weaker.  He tried so hard and even did the daily therapy to try to keep up his strength.  We had no idea how long we had with him and the visits were hard but so special.

I do child care and during this time the little guy that I take care of was only 5 months old so I had to load him, his 3 year old sister, my girls and my mother in law for these visits.  It was a lot along with homeschooling to juggle every day.  I look back and I could not have made it through this time without God keeping me grounded and staying planted firmly in Him.  

We had Thanksgiving dinner with Papa at the nursing home and he was easily agitated and tired out fast but he still made that effort to spend the time with us.  I brought him a piece of pecan pie because he liked that so much.  His breathing became more difficult with each day and by early December he had several large oxygen machines in his room giving him life. On December 10th we went to see Papa in the evening and we all knew that he was not going to make it much longer.  We decided to sing some Christmas carols to our Papa and we hugged and kissed him good night.  Just a few hours later, I was home, the girls were in bed and the phone rang. I answered the phone and it was my husband.  He could not even utter a word but a sob echoed in my ears.  Papa was gone. 

"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm.  Let nothing move you.  Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:58

We called our dear friend, Pastor Mike and he made the trip out to officiate Papa's funeral.  Pastor Mike had shared the good news of Christ with Papa and it was perfect to have him share the good news with our family and friends at the funeral. 

The years since have been hard and we are watching my mother in laws health deteriorate not knowing for sure how long we will have with her.  God has placed us on this path and it is in the perfect place, being with our parents right now in their time of need.  God has allowed us to have the time and the right circumstances to care for them.  It is not always easy but the Lord provides.

"But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations." Psalm 33:11

I love being loved by God who challenges me.  I love that He never leaves me...He is always right there.  I love that God made it so clear how much we need Him but then also provided the way to Him just as clearly.  I love that God sees my path and keeps my feet firm when I truly follow Him.  Even when I wander He is with me.  I may stumble but He is still there and will never give up on me. 

"If the Lord delights in a man's way, He makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His hand." Psalm 37:23-24

May the Lord keep us as we continue this journey...

Friday, October 5, 2012


I have no idea what I am doing with this blog.  I don't know how to get followers or what to write about but I guess that really doesn't matter.  I am doing this blog to learn and to become a better writer.  I would like to have others join me on my journey, through motherhood, homeschooling, living fully yet simply and striving to put God first everyday in every situation. I hope this blog will lead me and others in those areas.

Today I enjoyed spending time with a very special friend. She is just starting her journey in motherhood and I love talking with her as she is experiencing things for the first time.  It brings back such great memories...the feeling of the baby's kicking, falling asleep with my new baby in my arms, the tiny fingers and toes, their smell after a bath.  I also remember being so unsure of what I was doing.  I was 22 when my first baby was born and I look back now amazed at how young I was.  I was scared...what if I did everything wrong?  How am I going to figure this all out and who do I ask my questions...all of my questions seemed so silly.  I wanted someone to walk with me through this and share in my experiences but I didn't know who to go to.

I guess it is like me with this blog.  I feel silly trying to do this but I know that there is a plan in me doing it.  There is a road that God wants me to travel and this is the beginning of it. So, just like my first child, I will try things and they may not work but I won't give up! She made it and is now in college. I am sure I will share a lot about her and the three sisters that followed.

I would also say to all women that we need to share our experiences with each other!  And, no matter what age you are, ask your questions.  They are not silly and somebody will come along side you. This journey is so much better when we share it with each other.  Thank you Lord for the special friends that you have given me, help me to take care of them and help me to be open with new friends that you bring into my life.                                      
"But do not forget to do good and to share,
 for with such sacrifices God is well pleased." 
Hebrews 13:16

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fall is in the air


I am excited to be in October...I love the fall and the crisp cool feel that is in the air.  I love fall colors and crunchy leaves.  It is time to start making chili, stew and potato soup.  I can smell the zucchini bread and banana cakes baking. Then the cool will burst one day and it will be cold with ice crystals in the air.  Frost will blanket the ground and drape the trees as I sip my coffee and read a good book.  The fireplace will come to life, dancing with heat and excitement! We will pick our pumpkins carefully, scoop out the goo and carve life into them.  We will eagerly wait for the roasting pumpkin seeds to be done. Hot Chocolate with marshmallows and maybe a game of Yahtzee will complete the evening.  Oh how I love this time of warm and cozy. 

We also make a trip to see my dad and step mom in October almost every year.  The girls get excited for the road trip, swimming at the hotel and sometimes the Fall Festival in my dad's small town. This year the Fall Festival will already be over but we are still looking forward to our trip! We usually find some fun crafts to bring with us so that we have plenty to keep us busy during our time with them.  We eat out with them, watch a NASCAR race, and maybe even go to the mall. We try to get out for a visit a couple of times each year.  The time goes by fast and we wait patiently for the next visit.  My dad is getting older and I know that these trips will someday come to an end so they are truly special times for me.  Here are a few pictures from our last trip in the spring.  

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

No Other Gods

I just finished reading the book "No Other Gods: Confronting Our Modern Day Idols" by Kelly Minter and as I came to the end I was sad because she was challenging me in my thinking, my daily living and what I put in the places of most importance in my life. Then boom it was the last page.  I am now on the quest for a new book to read but I need to focus on and remember all that I just read and felt was so important.

I looked back at some of my highlights and I want to share about two that stuck out.  The first is:

 "Christ is not mystified by our weakness, our fear that perhaps he is not with us, our wonderings about his love.  He became one of us for many reasons, one being his ability to sympathize with our humanity.  Being able to approach him with this understanding has greatly helped my sense of his there-ness in my life."

Christ is not surprised by the fact that I am not strong every day or that I struggle at keeping Him number one in my life.  He walked this Earth and felt the same longings as a person that I feel.  I may not be able to touch him but He is always there for me and I can count on Him more than I can count on anyone else.  Everybody lets us down at some point.  Our best friend will forget to call or hurt our feelings, our spouse will without a doubt do something that makes us feel they are not really there for us all of the embarrass us in front of others or make light of something that is really important to us.  God is there for me and all I need to do is sit myself down, quiet myself and focus, not just a quick Bible reading and going through my prayer list...but really focus on Him.  He has brought me through so much and I am so prone to wander.  Help me focus Lord...not on my worries, money, Christmas coming, homeschooling but on you...only YOU!

The other highlight was:

"Sometimes it feels easier to wait the thing out instead of really pleading with God for an experience with him.  Or worse yet, easier to run to a replacement god we can actually get our hands on."

I am human and I live on this Earth so that means that things will get tough, how do I respond to those times.  It is so easy to say, "come on pull yourself together", or "things will get better, just hold on", or "something good will come from this".  How many times have I said these very things to someone because I don't really know what to say.  Where should we turn, what should we do?  I know I like to turn to cookies, cake or chocolate.  It is there, it won't say anything bad to me and for a moment I am enjoying myself.  Unfortunately, my "muffin top" is turning into a bundt cake...I have got to stop turning to other things like sweets when what I need to be doing is turning to God.  I need to throw myself at His feet and instead of "waiting the thing out" plead with my God to calm my restless impatient ways.

Colossians 1:17 He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.  This has been a verse of strength for me but I am asking myself do I really believe it?  Do I live like I believe it or do I turn to other gods to try to hold things together? There is only room for the One True God on this journey...The Project continues.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Who am I

My beginning was many years ago.  Both of  my parents had been married before their marriage to each other and so I was the youngest of 5 children but yet the only child from my parents together.  It was confusing and I even didn't understand it during my younger years.  Let's see if I can thoroughly confuse you.

My dad was married twice before marrying my mom.  With the first marriage a son was born, my brother, but I could just walk by him on the street and not even know. I did go to his wedding when I was 10 years old but that was along time ago.  I don't even know if he has any children.  I have thought about contacting him but struggle with what I would say and what the expectations would be afterwards. So...I have done nothing and I hope someday I don't regret that choice. Then the second marriage brought a daughter.  I spent some time with my sister growing up and I really looked up to her.  I wanted to be like her, she seemed so beautiful and exciting but as the years have worn on we have grown apart. My dad has no connection with either of them.

My mom was married once before my dad.  In that marriage my mom had a daughter and a son. Then my mom and dad married and I was born.  I grew up with both of my mom's first children.  I was told several times during the years that they wished I would just go back to where I came from.  They would laugh at their joke but to hurt.  I was an interruption and felt I was not welcome.  I had great fear being away from my mom when I was young because I thought that just maybe she agreed with them.  Someday they would leave and be the family they were supposed to be, without me. I have questioned so many times, where do I belong, where do I fit in?

How does this affect my journey now? Unfortunately, I have let it affect me to easily on to many occasions. It is my choice how I respond to the feelings that I conjure up from thinking about it, writing about and/or talking about it.  Sure, I could ignore that this is how I felt but I have tried that and it really doesn't work.  What has worked for me is using God's provision.  He already paved the path to freedom for me. I just have to join Him and He will walk with me through this and anything else that comes along during this journey.  The project begins for me and the first stop is knowing my identity in Christ.
  • I am chosen by God. (Ephesians 1:4)
  • I am adopted by God. (Ephesians 1:5)
  • I am a child of God in His family. (1 John 3:1)
  • I am forgiven of all of my sins. (1 John 1:9)
  • I am called to accomplish God's purposes. (Romans 8:28-30)
  • I am complete in Christ. (Colossians 2:10)
This is just a few of the answers to the big question,"Who am I in Christ?" I am special, I am loved and I belong to Him...there is great comfort in knowing this.

                                                    "Jesus loves me this I know"!

Monday, October 1, 2012

The beginning

Have you ever found yourself at a place in life and you weren't sure how you got there.  Well, it started at the beginning so you may have to take a journey back in time to see just how this all happened.  

I will share my journey in the days and months ahead with you.  I will slowly reveal the true meaning of "The Project" to you.  Sometimes on our journey of life we may feel like this.... 
It may feel thick and heavy but look closely there is something just ahead. Follow carefully and the destination will be reached.  Join me...I am not sure where we will end up but it is going to be fun getting there!